Tuesday, 10 January 2017
5 Reasons Boxing Can Do Wonders For Every Woman’s Health
By Unknown00:26Fighting training equipment, Martial arts practice equipment, Self defense training equipment, Training equipment for boxing
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Every time we come across the word ‘boxing’, we visualize a man wearing boxing gloves, sweating hard and hitting the opponent. However, things have changed 360 degree, as women have also joined the race of making their name in this field. If you are not interested in taking as a profession, you can opt for it to bring positive changes in your life. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, boxing has a lot to offer to every woman.
Read the below given 6 compelling points that will change your perception and motivate you to put on the gloves and give this martial art a go.
1. Strong Core and a Flat Stomach
Boxing is a core workout and tones & lightens the stomach muscles. As it involves rotation of shoulders an hips, it twists the torsi and works on the stomach muscles. The correct technique involves rotation of the shoulders and hips which twists the torso and works the stomach muscles.
2. Full-body Workout
By combining punching with the footwork to execute defensive exercises and involving squats in rolling and ducking hooks, every muscle right from the head to toe is utilized.
3. Drop the Weight
Hitting the heavy bag or pads burns approximately 400 calories every hour. To overcome your bulges, opt for sparring, as it burns about 600-800 calories per hour.
4. Cut Back On Stress
Stress is a part of everyone’s life. Maintain distance from it by punching the crap out of the heavy bag. Doing so will not only release all the frustration and anger but will discard stress as well.
5. Improve Cardiovascular Health
Start boxing today and within a few months, you will notice changes to your body. Being a type of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), boxing is wonderful for maintaining cardiovascular health. This martial art raises the rate heart to around 75%-85%, which is actually the optimal percentage for good heart health.
What are you waiting for, buy the best training equipment for boxing and get started today. With the special sensors available today, you can easily track every aspect of your workout, be it the speed, intensity and number of shots/punches.